


Microsoft's Libyan Partner for Implementing
SQL Server/ Exchange
.NET Development





Free Download of Shkobba!! تنزيل لعبة شــكبة 

This game is played by two, You against the PC.
Every round starts by giving 3 cards to each side. One side starts playing by either throwing a card on the table or picking on or more cards that sum-up More..


Free Download Family Tree !! (Arabic Version)

This programme enables you to store your family tree, and then to view the tree at any lavel for any branch, as well as printing the tree.

Requirements: Windows XP/7 Arabic Edition (Local or Enabled) more..


Free Download of MAWRID QuickTel (Phone Directory) !!

 (Arabic Version)

Get your free copy of Mawrid QuickTel  The Arabic Version For Storing, Searching And Printing Your Telephone Dirctory